I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions, and I haven’t. But I do express best wishes to people who impact our lives and can make 2022 a better year for all of us.

I hope that San Francisco mayor London Breed comes across an updated copy of Crimestopper’s Textbook from the old comic strip “Dick Tracy” by Chester Gould. The yellow-raincoated, square-jawed detective took a lot of bad guys off the streets. 

For San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors, I wish each member a personal can of Blow Off Duster, so they can clear the cobwebs. They’ve long catered to people who abuse the City’s live-and-let-live philosophy by adopting politically correct positions somewhere to the left of Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong.

Let me hope that members of the Board of the S.F. Unified School District receive elbow and knee pads. They lose their balance with amazing frequency. Somehow, San Franciscans don’t want to change the names of Washington High and Lincoln High, among other schools. Three board members face a February recall. Their fall from grace could cause injury.

I wish President Joe Biden an end to COVID-19, and I’m not being political. The termination of the pandemic will be good for us all. Vaccinations and masking will play a role in shifting the life-cycle of this virus from pandemic to endemic. The sooner the better—wherever you live and however you vote.

I also hope that Donald Trump continues to muster the strength to uphold the necessity of vaccinations. The former president now faces headwinds from former far-far right adorers. Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones called Trump “completely ignorant… or… the most evil man who has ever lived.” Trump could (almost) redefine his legacy.

Regarding the above, I wish Republicans something vaccines can’t prevent: a serious bout of conscience. Perhaps some GOP leaders, who have supported Trump publicly will continue to do so on the matter of vaccinations. This might separate those who pretend to have integrity from those who make no bones about lacking scruples and worship at the throne of blind ambition. Spine transplant anyone?

Given the wild weather attributed to climate change, may English winemakers succeed in developing sparkling wines achieving world-class standards. (See CBS’ “60 Minutes,” December 26.) And the best to French winemakers in the Champagne, Bordeaux and other districts seeking to strengthen or plant new grape varieties adaptive to a warming climate. As long as climate-change deniers can block environmental protections, we might as well enjoy the bubbly as our planetary ship slowly sinks.

On the lighter side—if after all this, there is a lighter side—may the producers and writers of The Simpsons(and the Fox network) find the strength and fortitude to launch season 34 this fall. If there ever was a TV show that can go on seemingly forever—Saturday Night Live also comes to mind—this is it. Comedy is serious business, and satire is always appropriate, given the foibles endemic to human nature. Speaking truth to power—or stupidity—always remains in style.

As for me, I’ll try to keep my chin up through 2022, so I can extend the same kind of wishes before 2023 arrives. Will the world be a better place a year from now? Let’s stay tuned.

Happy New Year! The blog will take next Friday off and return on January 14.

Start the New Year with a great and timely read—my novel 2084. Order in softcover or e-book from Amazonbarnesandnoble.com or your favorite bookstore.

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  1. jean wright on December 30, 2021 at 4:30 pm

    Happy (secular) New Year to Dave and to all those reading this column. May you enjoy and share a time of peace. Jean

    • David Perlstein on December 30, 2021 at 5:06 pm

      Thanks, Jean. May we all enjoy peace. And boy, do we need it!

  2. RONALD EATON on December 30, 2021 at 8:50 pm

    David, Re the Board of Supervisors: “They’ve long catered to people who abuse the City’s live-and-let-live philosophy by adopting politically correct positions somewhere to the left of Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong.” Eh, no. Stalin and Mao were not “live-and-let-live” guys. Ask the Kulacks, the inmates in the gulags, or the twenty some milliion or so whom Mao liquidated. Whatever mush-headed positions our Supervisors may have, they’re definitely not ultra- MaoStalinists. RWE

    • David Perlstein on December 30, 2021 at 8:52 pm

      I see your point, Ron, and thanks. But I’ll go with the ultra-left tag that places ideology—if not blood in this case—above common sense. I always wonder about those proclaim “Power to the people.” Who are “the people?” And, let’s leave a little room for satire.

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