Hey, it’s me, Old Glory aka the Stars & Stripes. With July Fourth coming, I’ve got three important things to say.
First: I’m proud that the nation will celebrate its 247th birthday. Many countries have been around longer. Real democracies? We took the first plunge.
Second: That said, I could dodge America’s problems, take the Fifth on our history. But let’s keep it real.
I’ve flown over circumstances I’m not proud of. Start with our native peoples. The colonists (flying the English Union Jack or an earlier version of me) sailed to these shores seeking freedom but concerned themselves only with their own. We slaughtered native peoples coast to coast then bottled up the survivors on reservations, which we often shrank or moved. Look it up—if history books haven’t been censored or pulled from library and school shelves.
Slavery dishonored our principles. We bought Black people from Africa and forced them to work, mostly on southern plantations. They built wealth for White people, who made it a point of honor to treasure freedom. After slavery, much of the country—north as well as south—developed Jim Crow, separating the races to provide cheap labor and keep White blood pure. (Interesting how many African Americans today have White blood from 200 years ago running through their veins).
Other minorities found themselves the objects of scorn and constrained in their pursuit of the American Dream. The Ku Klux Klan wore white hoods and robes not only to frighten blacks but also Catholics and Jews. Chinese immigrants built our railroads but faced great restrictions.
Third: The nation’s history involves much good. I’ve seen tens of millions of people from all over the world come to our country to build new and better lives. We gave them and their children a shot. Many succeeded.
We haven’t always live up to the Pledge of Allegiance’s “liberty and justice for all,” but over time, we’ve applied that precious value to more and more people. Increasingly, our laws and courts have demonstrated that this nation is willing to do more than pay lip service to our professed ideals.
Yes, we face serious political challenges. I shudder when I think about January 6th and all it represents. And the way things might be shaping up for the 2024 presidential election. But I’ve been through a lot, as have we all. I’m going to continue fluttering proudly in gentle breezes, hold myself aloft when winds grow stormy.
I have faith that more Americans will continue to read between the lines when they salute the red, white and blue. They’ll realize that I’m white, black, brown, yellow and red—and an almost unlimited number of mixtures of those colors. Also pink. My wish: When Americans look at the difficult issues now dividing us, they’ll they get past black and white, listen to and respect each other.
A favor: When you see me on the Fourth, think of me as inspirational and aspirational. I represent a work in progress. That said, study the past but don’t get bogged down by it. Use what you learn to move forward.
And remember, I’ll always be here as a symbol of the best this nation can be. I ask only that you do your part.
The Short (Pun Intended) Redemptive Life of Little Ned is now available in softcover or e-book from Amazon, barnesandnoble.com, and iuniverse.com. Or order from your favorite bookstore.
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Thanks, David. I , like many others, have been bogged down, particularly after the last few days… I appreciate your message. Shalom, Jean
Trying times, Jean. And you’re welcome. Happy Fourth!
Good one.
Thanks, Penny. Happy Fourth!
Definitely a good post. Happy 4th.
Thanks, Claudia. And to you.
I greet your posts with pleasure every Friday. This one is among the best.
Thank you, Dorothy. And coming from you,. that means a lot.